The Pregnant Cook

Here is me pregnant with my son. The first child.

For any woman who has been pregnant, understands that food just has this whole new level to it. I have a notebook that I kept by my bedside during that pregnancy and it’s full of recipes, dinner party ideas, meal plans, cooking goals, lists of food I missed from America, and so on. I even have drawings 🙂

The bigger my belly grew, the more difficulty I had reaching, bending, and keeping my patience. One day my dear husband bought me something to make my life a bit easier, the best thing ever: a crock pot!

We have had some real nice meals with that thing and its been so handy! Do you cook with one? I highly recommend it! For my top favourite crockpot recipes, click here.

Me and my crockpot have shared Easter and Christmas together, as well as family dinners and with friends. The memories (and ease of it!) are priceless. x

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